Asia Airfreight Terminal (AAT) is committed to providing the best service for our valued customers. In order to ensure the highest level of operational efficiency of our systems, we are going to conduct systems maintenance on 3 October 2022 (Monday) from 02:00 a.m. to 03:30 a.m. .
1. During the above period, our systems will be temporarily unavailable and related electronic processes will be carried out manually. The involved systems include:
- Cargo Management System (CMS);
- AAT Internet Management System (AIMS);
- Truck Control System (TCS);
- AAT Mobile Applications (AAT Mobile and AAT Mobile Plus)
2. In order to mitigate the impact on operations, we would like to seek your kind support as follows:
2.1 For Cargo Agents, Truckers, Consignees and Consignors
- Import Cargo
- In order to facilitate the Customs Declaration process, please submit electronic house-waybill data (FHL) to AAT via AIMS before 01:00 a.m. on 3 October 2022 for your import cargo booked on flights with STA scheduled on 3 October 2022 between 02:00 a.m. and 03:30 a.m.
- Export Cargo
- To fulfil the cargo pre-declaration process manually for cargo tendered to AAT on 3 October 2022 between 02:00 a.m. and 03:30 a.m., please submit the completed Identity Declaration Form, Declaration of Export Consignment (Bulk/ prepacked Unit) and the Security Transportation Pre-declaration Manual Form along with the export cargo to AAT. The forms are available at AAT website:
- Please submit electronic master-waybill data (FWB) and house-waybill data (FHL) to AAT via AIMS before 12:00 a.m. on 3 October 2022 for your export cargo booked on flights with STD scheduled on 3 October 2022 between 02:00 a.m. and 03:30 a.m.
2.2 For Customer Airlines
- Import Cargo
- For import cargo that requires any special handling, please send pre-alert messages to our Service Control Centre via e-mail before 01:30 a.m. on 3 October 2022 so that we can make prior arrangements.
- Export Cargo
- Please provide the final Cargo Booking Advice before 6:00 p.m. on 2 October 2022 for all flights with STD scheduled on 3 October 2022 between 02:00 a.m. and 03:30 a.m.
- The physical export cargo cutoff time will remain unchanged. Please advise your cargo agents to deliver export cargo to AAT on time to ensure cargo uplifted as booked.
- Our colleagues will follow up with your teams to ensure smooth handling.
3. Customers are required to re-login our systems after completion of systems maintenance.
Thank you for your kind cooperation. For any enquiries relating to cargo handling, please contact our Service Control Center at (852) 2949-7620; or email to For any technical enquiries relating to systems support, please contact our 24 hours IT Support helpdesk at (852) 2949-7712. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Yours faithfully,
Asia Airfreight Terminal Co Ltd